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Best Business Books For Beginners | My Top 19 Recommendations

best business books for beginners

Have you been thinking of taking the plunge and starting your own business? I’ve listed some of the best business books for beginners in this article.

This collection of business books is the ideal place to start if you are looking for ideas to launch your own business or advice to improve your abilities as a leader or manager.

The books included in this list range in style from narrative, story-like writing to factual case studies. Yet each one is powerful and motivating and will definitely add some interesting ideas to your repertoire. So, keep reading to pick one of the best business books of all time to inspire your next business venture.

Best Business Books For Beginners

Launching a new product or service can sometimes be overwhelming. Founders often feel a little lost when it comes to figuring out where to begin, how to go about decision-making, and the best way to overcome challenges. You may learn from others by reading the right books (check out the book name generator).

Wealthy businesspeople, aspiring entrepreneurs, academics, and researchers from around the world are included on this list. They impart the wisdom they have gained from their personal experiences, which will provide the necessary guidance and help you avoid the same mistakes.

1. How To Win Friends & Influence People (Dale Carnegie)

Business books for startup founders

The first edition of the book How to Win Friends and Influence People came out in 1936. This is one of the most well-known and successful books in the self-help genre ever written.

One may assume that a book published almost a hundred years ago wouldn’t have enough relevance when it comes to the difficulties of modern society, but you’d be totally wrong!

The work of Dale Carnegie is still fascinating and powerful. The main takeaway is that we need to be liked and respected to be able to succeed, both personally and professionally.

As not everyone is inherently gifted with interpersonal skills, Carnegie offers some simple strategies for connecting with others, building networks, and making friends.

Several suggestions in the book might seem obvious. But, after a pandemic, some of you may find it difficult to hold normal conversations, listen intently, and communicate with others. When it comes to investing in ourselves, this book serves as a reminder to also invest in others.

2. Think And Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)

best book to learn business management

Napoleon Hill’s self-help business book published in 1937 reflects the author’s belief that all it takes to become wealthy is a strong desire to succeed and a sense of purpose.

This is way more than just a feel-good book on thinking positively and pursuing your dreams. The observation of several successful millionaires during the 1930s led to the genesis of Think and Grow Rich. It looks into the similarities these business titans had while providing a straightforward framework for readers to try to emulate their behavior and success. As a result, anyone wanting to start their own business should study it.

Even though a little bit of the information might seem outdated, readers will find the author’s advice on visualizing goals to be useful. It conveys a straightforward fact about work ethic and why we should focus on achieving something, despite the uncertainty of the future.

It’s one of the top business books for beginners who want to learn how to cultivate a winning mindset and run a successful operation.

3. The Lean Startup (Eric Ries)

best books to learn business basics

This book has been around for more than 20 years. In the business world, it is considered the “bible” for learning how to assess and plan a new company, from problem-solving to building a capable and efficient team.

This book benefits greatly from the practical experiences of Eric Ries, who has established numerous businesses. He outlines potential traps that new businesses should stay clear of.

There are 5 main principles outlined in The Lean Startup to help entrepreneurs stay motivated and committed to fostering growth and achieving success. It provides resources and advice for maintaining the team’s commitment to the completion of the project.

If you happen to be a team leader or thinking about starting your own company, this book is definitely worth reading.

4. The 4-Hour Work Week (Tim Ferris)

best business books for startups

This book in the self-help genre was written by Tim Ferriss to inspire those who are tired of their mundane jobs to envision a brighter future. Although a bit polarizing, the 4-Hour Work Week has proven to be quite popular, especially in the tech and digital marketing space.

What made the book such a huge deal? Tim Ferris, an entrepreneur, shares his personal experience trading a median income and lengthy workweek for a 6-figure pay and plenty of leisure time while running a successful business. A very exciting idea! But the author has captured more than just his thoughts on the subject. Tim reveals the productivity hacks and techniques he used to succeed and reach his goals.

This book offers many original ideas, even though a 4-hour work week may not be possible or even appropriate for every Startup founder. It offers straightforward advice on how to maximize your time, establish a successful plan, and think creatively.

It’s highly recommended on this list of must-read business books for beginners. Anyone wishing to start a business and leave the 9–5 grind must read it!

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)

best business books for beginners

Rich Dad Poor Dad is one the best business books for entrepreneurs, and it is an international bestseller.

The book makes a compelling argument for the value of sound financial education. The story is portrayed through the lens of the writer on his personal interactions with 2 “fathers”. One of them being his biological father (poor dad), and the other the father of his best friend (rich dad).

The first edition of Rich Dad Poor Dad came out in 1997. The book swiftly gained popularity and has especially resonated with people who are into business and money but haven’t had any experiences through their education or family.

This simple book, which has inspired many great entrepreneurs, is a priceless tool for aspiring business owners since it offers real-life examples and practical knowledge that can be applied without needing to enroll in a typical business school.

The difference in attitudes between wealthy families and middle-class homes is emphasized throughout the book. According to Robert Kiyosaki, it is possible to learn from the upper classes and wealthy households how to think about money. You can use it as a tool to accomplish goals and improve your financial status.

6. Generating Product Ideas (Artiom Dashinsky)

best business books for entrepreneurs

Want to launch your own products and services? Don’t know where to begin even though you are inspired by highly successful entrepreneurs and businesses? Anyone thinking about starting a new business should read this book. And you will find it really helpful if you are unsure of how to come up with interesting business ideas.

Each segment is organized around one of the 17 methods the author identified for creating company concepts that are commercially viable.

The key ideas presented include that business owners should think about gaps or issues in the industry in order to create a profitable niche. Then, a new product solution, whether digital or physical, can address these issues.

Artiom Dashinsky’s book even offers advice to would-be entrepreneurs who have too many business ideas and need a method to help them decide which projects are worthwhile pursuing. In general, it’s among the best business books for Startup founders who want to come up with innovative product concepts.

7. Ideas On Demand (Miliind Harrdas)

best business books of all time

This stimulating work by the author is all about creativity. Miliind shares his experience on how to come up with profitable ideas for a company. It is intended for business owners and those working in professions that require creativity and new ideas.

The book includes numerous references for further reading in addition to benefiting from the author’s significant knowledge and research. The chapters include concrete examples of practices and exercises for you to try.

The argument made in the book is that many people’s creative thoughts and feelings might be stifled by unfavorable educational experiences. It encourages people to “unlearn” the habits they were taught in school. Additionally, the book inspires and motivates the reader in carrying out their daily activities.

8. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)

great business books

This book by Stephen Covey, which was published in 1989 has been adapted to various languages and sold millions of copies. The fundamental premise of the book is that successful people have certain habits or character traits in common that can be emulated.

The first trait, “be proactive,” is the author’s advice for transforming yourself into an independent form of existence and ultimately to interdependence.

According to Covey, interdependence is exemplified by the top leaders and most resilient members of the community. It is the concept of uniting people behind a shared cause, much like what the most inspiring community leaders and politicians do.

The book is both a philosophical memoir and an introduction to business. The writing is jam-packed with motivation and guidance on the way to think and act consciously and create the life you want for yourself.

9. Profitable Business Ideas (Jesse Anderson)

best business books on strategy

One of the most relevant and realistic business guides over the last few years was written by Jesse Anderson. The goal of this book is to dispel the notion that a successful Startup can only be launched with a substantial financial investment.

It is intended for computer professionals and entrepreneurs who need motivation to monetize their current skills. It explains how to use promotional tools and online resources to do marketing, which would have taken up a sizable portion of any new business’s budget prior to the digital era.

This book by Jesse Anderson is mainly applicable to those based in the United States. That being said, much of the advice on how to succeed as a business owner or freelancer applies to those living in any part of the world.

10. Your Brain And Business (Srinivasan Pillay)

Top business books for beginners

It might not seem like the natural choice to include a book written by a brain researcher and Harvard psychiatrist on the list of great business books for beginners. This book however is different! There are amazing things that we can learn from neuroscience about decision-making, management, or even office culture.

Contrary to many scholarly publications, Pillay’s book is incredibly useful to read. It provides an overview of the most recent findings and developments in brain theory while outlining the important takeaways and practical applications for each.

Despite being somewhat lengthy, this book offers insightful advice and scientific support for developing positive interpersonal interactions in all aspects of your life, not just the workplace.

11. Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell)

Best entrepreneurship books for beginners

One of the most popular, highly regarded, and successful non-fiction writers is Malcolm Gladwell. The fact that this book made it to my list of the best books to learn business basics is no surprise.

What’s different about Outliers? This is a very interesting and entertaining book to read. It’s compelling and devoid of the usual business talk and fake sincerity typically found in business books.

Gladwell investigates the elements that contribute to success and failure by weaving together a complex tale of many events and anecdotes from the 20th century. He combines the teachings and experiences into a really fun read!

In contrast to other business publications, this book disagrees with the idea that tenacity and perseverance are the only ingredients for professional and financial success. Instead, it looks at the myriad of other factors such as people’s personalities, experiences, and backgrounds that shape the way their lives unfold. Also, it examines how some outstanding people have overcome obstacles and disadvantages.

12. Zero To One (Peter Thiel)

Must-read business books for beginners

In recent years, Peter Thiel has established himself as a controversial and polarizing figure. However, his financial acumen and business success are indisputable.

In this book, Thiel tries to clearly convey how to launch and run a successful business. He offers his own advice on how to create a new company with the best possible chance of success based on decades of investments.

The underlying assumption is that plenty of wannabe entrepreneurs and business leaders attempt to emulate the practices of other companies. Instead, they need to make the right investments to become a monopoly.

Thiel promotes the idea that providing a distinctive product or service is the thing that all successful businesses have in common, particularly in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

Even though it is a straightforward message, it gains additional power when delivered by an entrepreneur of Thiel’s stature.

13. Good To Great (Jim Collins)

Best entrepreneurship books for beginners

Have you been wondering what makes certain companies tremendously successful while others merely coast along? In that case, you should read this book!

Jim Collins describes a great business as one that can consistently generate financial profits over a number of years that are much higher than the industrial average. He spent many years learning about some of the world’s most prosperous companies and how they do their business development. This has helped him to differentiate and understand what sets them apart from the numerous companies that are started every year.

This book covers experiences from many industries, such as retail, finance, and construction.

There are lessons on hiring practices and creating effective teams which would be beneficial for any aspiring entrepreneur or business professional.

14. Made to Stick (Chip Heath & Dan Heath)

Business books for newbies

Chip Heath and Dan Heath are brothers who wrote this book. Made to Stick is the product of more than a decade’s worth of research on the issue of why certain ideas succeed while others fail. The solution might appear simple at first. This book, however, draws influence from Malcolm Gladwell’s writing and reveals the several levels of input and outside forces that must be in motion for a concept to become successful.

This book is appealing because it offers insightful ideas that can influence our daily lives. Also, it offers many suggestions on how to improve public speaking, communication, and confidence.

15. Profit First (Mike Michalowicz)

Beginner's guide to business books

For those who run small businesses or are facing financial challenges, this book is quite interesting.

The premise of Mike Michaelowicz’s book is not that complicated. You can transform your company’s finances by changing the conventional profit model used by most organizations.

He recommends that, rather than following the traditional method of figuring out profits after deducting sales and expenses, profit should be determined as a first principle for each transaction.

Several entrepreneurs have read this book and recommended it. In addition to offering helpful advice, the author is also quite entertaining and uses personal anecdotes to highlight his ideas. Not your regular dry business book, for sure.

16. This Is Marketing (Seth Godin)

Business books for young entrepreneurs

Many books by Seth Godin have been internationally acclaimed. This book deconstructs the accumulated knowledge, experience, vision, and leadership of this self-styled marketing genius within the industry.

This book has plenty to offer if you need some tips on how to market and spot new opportunities in a landscape that is changing quickly.

The book is a little deep, so you may want to take your time with it rather than read it cover to cover in a single sitting. Regardless, there are a lot of lessons to learn from Seth and you will be able to appreciate this really interesting and motivating piece of work.

17. The Little Red Book Of Selling (Jeffrey Gitomer)

best books to learn business skills

This book by Jeffrey Gitomer came out in 2004 and serves as an important reminder to sales professionals that it isn’t all about the item or service when it comes to promotion. Sales skills and the ability to connect with others are what matter most when interacting with potential customers.

Gitomer develops guidelines for an effective salesperson by applying psychological science and observations from decades of sales experience. They consist of:

  • Using effective techniques for self-motivation
  • Creating a successful business image
  • Employing humor to engage customers and win them over

Anybody selling an item or service should read it.

18. The Hard Thing About Hard Things (Ben Horowitz)

Best small business books for beginners

In this book, Ben Horowitz combines the knowledge gained from his experience as a CEO and venture capitalist. The idea that there exists a single, obvious formula for achieving business success is refuted by the author. It motivates executives to follow their intuition and overcome challenges in order to succeed in business.

This work, in contrast to many business writings, emphasizes that there are numerous circumstances in which a quick solution or a simple fix is not feasible. To prove his point, the author has many references from his personal life.

This book gives readers comfort in knowing that although the game of business might be challenging, difficulties can be overcome with maturity and stoicism.

19. The Art Of The Start (Guy Kawasaki)

Essential business books for beginners

The second edition of this book has increased interest in Guy Kawaski’s ground-breaking work. And it’s clear why! Kawasaki examines the opportunities that come with technology throughout the entire book. Some of the widely accepted business practices, like the creation of a well-established business plan, are dismissed by the author.

This is one of the best business books for aspiring entrepreneurs wanting to make an impact with a new idea because it is motivating and practical. It provides a broad range of strategies and tips for utilizing cutting-edge business tools including crowdfunding resources and digital marketing.

Conclusion: The Best Business Books For Beginners

I hope you have enjoyed reading this comprehensive list of the top business books for beginners. Remember that many great businesspeople try to read as many books as possible every week. Success leaves clues. We can all learn from people who have done it before and avoid the same mistakes.

Learning from the experience of others will help you overcome obstacles when doing your own thing. Of course, learning directly by talking to other businesspeople reduces the learning curve. However, not everyone gets the chance to talk in-depth with the people they respect, which frequently spans their entire careers. More than anything, reading enables us to gradually acquire the knowledge and wisdom of others, which we can then apply to be successful in our own lives.

Looking for more inspiration? You may also be interested in the list of the best movies for leadership.