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8 SEO Website Optimization Tips | How To Do SEO On Your Website

seo website optimization tips

In this article, you can learn how to do SEO on your website for conversions by following the SEO website optimization tips below.

The success of your website depends on your ability to optimize it for conversions.

It is necessary to make sure that your site is getting the expected results.

If your SEO is done right, you will draw in more visitors and increase your chances of converting them into paying customers.

Additionally, since conversion-optimized websites often have superior metrics like bounce rate and average session duration, Google may give them a higher ranking.

SEO Website Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the procedure for boosting website traffic from the search engine.

This increases the visibility of your website. Customers are more likely to find your website and buy from you if have content that is relevant to their search terms.

Consider operating a golf course. On your website, you sell golf clubs and equipment.

You also have tips on golfing. With powerful SEO strategies, someone searching for a keyword such as “how to play golf” has a higher chance of seeing your articles—and consequently, your brand.

That is possible with SEO.

SEO In Website Development – How To Use SEO On Website

seo in website development

There are several benefits to learning how to combine SEO and conversion optimization.

To start with, you must understand how they integrate to produce a website that is leaner and more effective.

Let’s examine five reasons why you should immediately begin optimizing your site and continue doing it for a long time.

1. Increase Organic Visitors

The typical company invests 1% of its annual revenue in advertising. You may spend $5000 on advertising if your company makes $500,000 annually.

Even if it might only represent a small portion, it can add up. Some sectors, like retail, invest far more in advertising.

But using SEO to drive organic traffic is free. Although you must spend to create and advertise the content, the cost is far lower than PPC ads.

The results speak for themselves if you were to compare the conversion between visitors who find your website through organic search and the ones that do so through paid advertisements. Paid search has a closing rate of less than 2.5%, whereas organic search converts at about 16%.

Increase your organic traffic by putting time or money into it. Although it could take longer, it is beneficial in the long run and generate better results.

2. Making The Website Valuable For The People You Are Targeting

Marketers occasionally experience a conflict with Google. For example, the search engine might not rank their best articles, or they may experience a sharp decline in traffic following an algorithmic change.

But in truth, Google’s objectives and yours are similar:

  • Improve the user experience on the website
  • Provide the viewers with relevant content
  • Give priority to content that is highly valuable

You simply approach it in various ways. While you are analyzing the behaviors of your particular audience, Google is evaluating millions of websites.

The selection of content on the 1st page of the SERP is based on more than 200 ranking signals. The algorithm carefully looks at the indicators that show whether a specific page will provide users with the content they want.

Choose primary and secondary semantic keywords that are connected to the user intent when you work on SEO. You need to create content that readers enjoy and include the metadata to make the copy easier for Google to interpret.

When you optimize your site for conversions, you are trying to direct users toward a particular objective, such as signing up for the email list or making a purchase. You are looking to deliver exactly what your visitors want, just like Google.

Understanding how to simultaneously advance the SEO and conversion goals strengthens both of them and improve the interaction between your website and the search engine.

3. Provide What Your Audience Wants

Consider the following scenario:

You run an eCommerce website that sells skiing equipment. A consumer searches for the best ski jacket on Google since they need a new one for their next trip. You’ve published a lengthy, detailed blog article about picking ski jackets, complete with brand suggestions and details for various body types.

Visitors read the article. You offer a free guide at the end in exchange for their email address. The lead magnet gets them to join the email list.

The visitors immediately get the free guide for signing up. A couple of days later, you share images of skiing gear along with a discount code for your eCommerce store. The subscriber realizes that you have the gear that he or she has been looking for, and the special discount encourages a quick transaction.

As you may have noticed, conversion rate optimization and SEO work in conjunction. You’ll gain customers if you live up to the expectations of your target market and assist them in getting what they desire.

4. Make The Most Of Your Website

Anyone can create a website that is visually appealing, but very few people are capable of having one that consistently generates conversions. The median conversion rate across various industries is under 2.35%.

You desire considerably higher conversion rates from your viewers. You must carefully review your audience in order to meet their needs and expectations.

It is possible to predict an increase in conversion rates if you have done the analysis and used the data on your website. Visitors to your website would appreciate your brand for offering a solution to their problem. This results in brand loyalty.

However, SEO is always the first step. It is impossible to have conversions without traffic. Build a website with useful content and there will be enough opportunities for conversions.

5. Utilize The Current Traffic

You don’t want customers to just browse your website and then leave. Rather, you need to leave them with a positive experience that motivates them to come back.

Understanding the user experience is necessary in order to learn how to optimize the website to improve conversions. Analyze how users navigate your website, their scrolling behavior, and how they respond to your call to action (CTA).

If someone joins the email list, you are able to reach out to them later with deals, offers, and more. Additionally, you may entice people to read your blog entries, visit the product listings, and follow you on social media.

A higher percentage of organic visitors will convert – so making the most of your current traffic helps you increase your conversion rate. You understand the type of offer that will appeal to your target market and the way to convey the message.

SEO In Website Design – How To Optimize SEO On Website

You must first improve your website’s SEO in order to increase visitors.

The actions listed below will position you for success. Then, while still updating and publishing fresh content, you may shift your attention to conversions.

Here are some simple SEO tips for better rankings:

1. Carry Out Extensive Keyword Research

Back in the day, it used to be possible to choose a keyword at random, create a short article, and start ranking for that phrase within a short period of time. SEO no longer functions in that way.

You can uncover keywords relevant to your niche and business using tools like Ahrefs. Use them to identify long-tail keywords corresponding to the search intent of your users. Consider the purpose of their search and the information they would expect to see on a website.

Start off with the main keyword. For example, if you are in the pet food niche, you may start your search phrase with “healthy pet food.”

seo website keywords

You can filter the list of terms that the tool gives you in a number of different ways. You’re trying to find long-tail keywords that will help you draw in a specific demographic.

how to do seo on your website

Keep doing this repeatedly as you add more pages to your website. Write extensive, detailed articles covering as much ground as you can.

2. Examine The Website Data

A single data element may not be able to tell you the entire story, but as you gather more information, patterns begin to emerge.

There may not be a problem if some of the visitors to your site ignore the CTA.

However, you might need to make some changes if a significant portion of visitors does not click on the CTA.

Google Search Console data and user activity reports help to get the full picture. For example, user activity reports provide insights into how site visitors behave when they are on the website. At the same time, the Google Search Console data keeps track of important metrics like the session count, bounce rate, etc.

Examine the metrics for specific trends. You may get valuable information about your visitors from referral sources. How do visitors find your website? Look at pages with higher traffic and conversion rates. Reverse-engineer the success of that page to implement it throughout your website.

3. SEO On-Page Strategy

What is SEO on-page optimization?

On-page SEO is about optimizing the pages on your website. SEO on-page optimization techniques include elements like meta tags, URL slugs, headlines, and subheadings.

Your title should contain your main keyword, preferably at the beginning. Additionally, it should be used in at least one subheading and the slug. Aim for between 0.5 – 2.5% throughout the body copy. To avoid coming out as a keyword stuffer, try not to overuse it.

Include your main and associated keywords in your subheadings, body copy, and alt tags of the images. Give enough context so Google will know exactly what your content is about.

4. Create Comprehensive And Valuable Content

seo on your website

According to Wix, a blog article should be 1,500 – 2,500 words in length. But that’s just a ballpark figure.

Google your main keyword and look at the first 10 results in the SERP before deciding on the ideal article length. Do some of the pages have more words than 2,500?

It’s not just about length. However, it signals to Google that you’re offering more details. You have a better chance of ranking higher if people spend a lot of time and read all the way through that page.

5. Improve Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO describes the methods you use to externally optimize your website. Your site’s SEO can be enhanced by influencer marketing, social media coverage, brand mentions, and guest blogging.

Later on, we’ll discuss backlinks explicitly, but overall links can have a major impact on SEO. Avoid acquiring links from insignificant, low-authority websites. They are not going to be of any help (and can be detrimental). Instead, when looking for backlinks, you should focus on reputable websites.

6. Obtain High Authority backlinks

Backlinks can be considered a key component in improving your website’s ranking.

When credible websites link to your website, Google considers it to be a sign of the authority of your website. Your pages will move up the rankings as you develop a strong backlink profile.

It takes work to obtain quality backlinks, but the effort will pay off. Think about sending emails to bloggers and influencers in your industry. Send them a link to your article and show them where you’ve shared some of their work.

7. Increase Page Speed

For conversions and SEO, page speed is important.

If a page loads slowly, you’ll probably leave the website and search for another option. In a similar vein, if you’re completing a form and it’s taking too long to submit, you’ll finally give up.

With Google’s PageSpeed Insights, you can see how quickly your website loads on various devices and the particular issues you need to address to make it faster.

8. Make The Website Mobile-Friendly

seo in website design

You don’t want to lose out on potential conversions given that more and more consumers are accessing websites using mobile devices. Additionally, Google uses mobile-first indexing, so if you prioritize mobile friendliness, you have more chances of ranking higher.

The simple answer is responsive design. You don’t need to be concerned about including any additional code because responsive WordPress themes are available for both free and paid downloads.

Can SEO Increase Conversions On Your Website?

What happens to your conversions now that we’ve talked about how to improve SEO?

Don’t expect to see results immediately. With the abundance of information available online, rankings take time to develop, so you must put in a lot of effort to create high-quality content, attain backlinks, and gain Google credibility.

But you should start working on conversions right away. Even if your website receives little traffic, you can still experience more conversions if you know how to optimize your site.

By sending the right visitors to the content, SEO increases conversions. If the page is structured properly, Google can appropriately rank it based on the consumer’s search intent.

Writing in-depth, more valuable articles also improves the likelihood that a visitor will convert. They would be interested if you provided them with the best information. You also have a better possibility of converting visitors if you make an irresistible offer.

Enhance User Experience To Improve Conversions

Simply put, user experience refers to how visitors view your website in terms of navigation and being able to find what they’re looking for. A positive user experience makes the visitor happy and satisfied.

Pay close attention to the little details to increase conversions. For example, take a look at your homepage, and note every component – from the sidebar widgets to the navigation bar and logo. Would the user experience be negatively impacted if any of those components were removed?

If not, remove it. Focus your efforts on driving traffic and interest in the activity you want them to do.

Use tools to study user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

In terms of user experience, you can only get so far with guesswork. Even though you think that a page element is important, the user behavior reports may contradict that.

You can gain a unique understanding of what visitors do once they reach your website by running user behavior reports. For instance, heatmaps let you know where users are most likely to click so that you can place the most crucial elements there.


Although SEO can be incredibly complicated, some basic knowledge can help you get started.

Begin by gathering as much information as possible and doing extensive research. Write topics that are relevant for your audience, and make sure it is superior to that of your competitors.

Put effort into off-page and on-page SEO. Ensure that your website loads fast on mobile and desktop devices and that you are gaining as many backlinks as you can.

Then, consider how to improve your website’s conversion rate to avoid wasting all that worthwhile traffic.

Pay attention to the user experience – look for trends you find in user behavior reports. Based on the work, you’ll eventually notice a rise in traffic and conversions.

Even old posts can still be effective as long as you keep updating them and the content is still relevant.

You can drive traffic and get conversions well into the future if you create quality evergreen content.