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Creating Marketing Buzz | 7 Examples Of Buzz Marketing

marketing buzz

Every day, everyone markets themselves in some way. Parents promote themselves by sharing Facebook photos of their happy kids. Gamers promote themselves by releasing footage of their most recent adventures. Even recommending a restaurant to a friend is a form of marketing. All of these actions are intended to achieve the same goal—to generate marketing buzz.

Marketing experts have a variety of options for raising awareness of a certain service or product. Here are a few examples of how companies might pique people’s interest and encourage them to try something out for themselves.

Buzz Marketing Examples

1. Independent Blogging – Digital Marketing Buzz

There are several bloggers who are well-liked by their target audience. These blogs offer the ideal platform for a comprehensive product review.

Companies provide samples to these bloggers so they may test them out and use them in an authentic manner. A review of the product’s performance is typically required in exchange for a free product before it is made available to the public.

The buzz that these reviews generate is more powerful than just creating excitement. It enables a brand to capitalize on the connections consumers feel they have with each blogger to build brand loyalty.

2. Generate Consistent Demand

When the first part of the movie Paranormal Activity came out, nobody thought it would catch on. It was a modest, independent film with a $15,000 budget for production.

paranormal activity
Source: IMDb

The fact that it even had a brief theatrical run was regarded as a success. But a buzz started to spread when people saw the movie’s trailer. People became interested in it because it was intriguing and unique.

At the conclusion of the trailer, audiences were urged to request the film in their region due to Paramount’s limited release. A method was developed whereby Paramount would distribute the film in a city if there were enough requests.

The key takeaway from this is that the finest buzz marketing campaigns show that when people cannot have what they want, a strong desire is formed that transforms that want into a true need.

3. Forums And Interest Groups – Create Word Of Mouth Marketing Buzz

Generating buzz is more than just a few good word-of-mouth exchanges that highlight a brand’s value. Understanding the needs of a certain consumer segment may be necessary at times.

The Clorox Lounge, which Clorox created, is a testament to its effectiveness in doing so. It’s an interactive portal with discussion boards, polls, and contests.

The objective is to keep the customers engaged with the brand while giving them a chance to interact, exchange tips, and even share the benefits and drawbacks of Clorox products.

4. Super Bowl – A Case Study Of Buzz Marketing

super bowl marketing buzz

Every year, a large number of people watch the Super Bowl. While many viewers are simply waiting to see the ads, there are certain fans who are genuinely engrossed in the game.

Some of the best buzz marketing commercials ever made have been produced via the collaboration of many firms. People are more likely to watch commercials if teasers are shared online beforehand, discussing the cost of a 30-second spot, and doing unique advertising that might only be shown during the game.

People recall more information when they are enthusiastic about it. Each business gains since they are using a distinctive approach to connect with a broad customer base. Every advertisement increases the value and heightens the buzz.

5. Forefront Of Activity

The idea behind a buzz marketing strategy is to increase sales without using pushy sales tactics. The objective is to keep a brand at the top of a prospective customer’s mind.

In order to boost laptop sales, Dell has run campaigns on college campuses. They not only hired brand ambassadors, but they also pushed them to talk about things other than the advantages of having a Dell computer.

Each prospect was engaged in a meaningful manner as they talked about real life, occasionally putting a discussion about Dell on hold to focus on other things. Students were urged to participate in social media contests that were being organized.

Three distinct outcomes resulted from the action:

1. Across all of its online platforms, Dell saw an increase in the number of followers.

2. Because Dell’s brand ambassadors were forging genuine friendships with people, college students felt a stronger sense of connection to the company.

3. People got the chance to experience firsthand the value that a Dell device could offer.

On a lower level, there are many ways to accomplish this. For example, a follow-up PPC campaign can help with branding. It could be someone who clicks on an advertisement but doesn’t necessarily end up making a purchase.

6. Horror Creates Strong Emotion

Numerous buzz marketing efforts are built around positive feelings. After all, consumers are more likely to make a purchase when they are happy, isn’t it?

The Take This Lollipop flick demonstrates the ability of an app that can generate a video of someone watching you in a dimly lit basement hallway using public information from a Facebook profile. What this implies is that you are being stalked.

take this lollipop - horror
Source: RollingStone

In fact, fear can create a powerful effect. Although religions have long understood this, the marketing world is now catching up. When people are afraid, they are willing to buy something to make them feel better or to make them happy. Emergency food supplies are in high demand because of this reason.

The original soundtrack and the idea of the creepy person in an A-frame t-shirt visiting you both increases the level of fear. Who will be the next? The cherry on top, or lollipop. This viral marketing campaign has received over 15 million likes.

Examples of buzz marketing include various types of emotions that can elicit a reaction. Do the groundwork so that people feel the need to use your product beyond just recommendations. Regardless of how much buzz is created, your objectives will have been met at that point.

7. Promote Your Advertising

KLM’s decision to use publicly available information on social media to track down its clients in real-time is one of the best cases of buzz marketing. After getting to know the customer better by looking at their social media profiles, they would then give them a personalized gift.

As a matter of fact, a firm can do this today because there is so much information available online. Numerous companies have employed this surprise tactic in the past, but they relied on recipients of gifts to spread the word about them and boost sales. Instead, KLM brought cameras with them so they could record every interaction and capture the surprises.

Good marketing does the job, but occasionally you also need to promote your own marketing if you want to generate so much buzz.